
To install Linklever, download the installer for your operating system and processor.

Then, run the installer and follow the prompts.


The installer is a self-contained exe.


The installer is apkg file.

macOS Admin Privileges

The macOS installer gives the option to install for the user or for the system.

  • When installed for the user, the installer does not require admin privileges.
  • When installed for the system, the installer requires admin privileges.

The app itself does not require admin privileges.


The app is distributed as an AppImage. No installation is necessary, but you must make the image executable.

Making the AppImage executable

In your terminal, navigate to the file and run chmod +x ./Linklever.AppImage.

Or you can use your desktop environment. On Gnome, right click the file, click Properties, and click Executable as Program.

Now you can run the program by running ./Linklever.AppImage in your terminal or by double-clicking it in your desktop environment.


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